Since the first professional football clubs in Poland were founded in the early 1900’s, football has been the biggest sport in Poland. With 400,000 Polish people playing regularly and millions playing occasionally, there are hundreds of professional and amateur football leagues in Poland.


Kotwica Kołobrzeg is a football club that is located in Kołobrzeg, Poland that plays in the III Liga, a Polish fourth tier league. Kołobrzeg is a seaside town located on the northwest coast of Poland. Currently, Act Global’s Xtreme Turf is being used for the development of a new football pitch in Kołobrzeg. Xtreme Turf is tested for quality, performance, and environmental safety to maximize all benefits for its players.

This new pitch will serve not only as a safe and professional-quality field for all players but will also allow as much time on the field as possible due to the minimal maintenance the field will require. Because the climate in Kołobrzeg is mostly very cold, apart from a few months, the maintenance of natural grass after the winter months can be very intense. The use of Act Global’s Xtreme Turf will allow more playing time with less upkeep, making it a valuable pitch for the city’s club soccer team.

Work on this pitch is to be completed soon and we can’t wait for finalized field photos!


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